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Monday, May 9, 2011

Teamsters Local 25

Teamsters Local 25. The California Teamster#39;s
  • The California Teamster#39;s

  • rdowns
    May 4, 04:43 PM
    You metric people ought to hook up with the military time people.

    Teamsters Local 25. The Local#39;s Truck along with
  • The Local#39;s Truck along with

  • onemorething
    Aug 6, 05:59 PM
    anyone think apple will do anything to commemorate the 5 year anniversary of the ipod in october?

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Local 728 has been
  • Teamsters Local 728 has been

  • Machead III
    Sep 16, 03:35 AM

    ... so not MacBook updates then?



    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Local 332,
  • Teamsters Local 332,

  • Plutonius
    May 3, 12:12 PM
    Yep I'll play

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Local 952
  • Teamsters Local 952

  • nsjoker
    Jul 21, 09:27 PM
    now if apple can build a laptop that won't give me a first degree burn we're in business :cool:

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Union Local No. 59
  • Teamsters Union Local No. 59

  • slu
    Aug 11, 09:50 AM
    its always next tuesday isnt it?

    here is to getting up early on tuesday morning, dragging my ass to the computer, and going to store.apple.com to be disappointed by the lack of the promise to be back within the hour.

    Unless you are waiting to buy, what do you care? Why get up early? If there are updates, they will be there at the regular time you get up. And if there are not, you won't have gotten up early for nothing. Now that I think about it, why get up early even if you are buying? They will still take your order when you get up.

    That being said, if true, this is great news. Apple computers will now be updated much faster than they used to be. People should feel better about buying now, because they should know that the next update is AWLAYS only a couple of months away. You know it is coming and there is nothing you can do about it, so you might as well buy when you need it. If you keep waiting for the next best thing, you'll always be waiting.

    And please, for the love of all things holy, retire the Powerbook G5 "joke". It never was funny and it certainly isn't funny now.

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters
  • Teamsters

  • moochermaulucci
    Apr 6, 05:32 PM
    So someone forced you to read *and* comment on a story titled clearly "Motorola Xoom Tablet Sales: ..." ? Or was that not enough of a clue ?

    My point was not that I don't want to see stories about Android devices on a Apple-centric site, or hear valid arguments for both sides, because then I truly would be closed-minded as some may believe.
    I love discussing the pros and cons of different technological devices with others who's opinions may differ from my own. However, is it too much to ask that rabid, Android proselytizers, refrain from flooding a forum with baseless, biased, bs in order to "put us in our place" or preach the gospel of Andriod?

    The same goes for Apple fanatics trolling on Android sites. If you can't put aside your ridiculous prejudices when discussing things, you ain't helpin' the cause, if you know what I mean...on either side.

    Teamsters Local 25. Front Page Headlines Local
  • Front Page Headlines Local

  • dethmaShine
    May 4, 03:10 PM
    The licence is only for one computer.

    If you want to install it on a different machine you must uninstall the original copy first.

    The Mac App Store says:

    "You can install apps on every Mac you use and even download them again."

    That implies that if I go on a friend's computer for 5 minutes once a year I could install Lion on it for no charge.

    If I want, I can install Mac OS X SL or Leopard on a 1000 machines using the same CD. :)

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Local 150
  • Teamsters Local 150

  • Guitar geek
    Aug 4, 12:01 AM
    This is great and bad at the same time for me. I'm so happy that they'll finally move to Merom. However, I've been holding off an MBP since mid-April. I was really hoping to get one after WWDC. If it's true that they may launch it in September, I may not be able to get it in time for school, and the ipod rebate may be over.

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Organizing
  • Teamsters Organizing

  • iMacZealot
    Jul 31, 03:38 AM

    strings "iPod Updater 2006-06-28.exe" | grep -i FEATURE
    t_feature_app_BRING BACK THE NEWTON_APP
    t_feature_app_VIDEO_APP <---VIDEO CHAT WITH SKYPE???? WOOO HOO
    t_feature_app_PHONE_APP <---------IT MUST MEAN AN iPHONE (HA HA HA)
    t_feature_LYRICS <----------KARAOKE FEATURE?
    t_feature_TIMEBOMB <---------CAREFUL WITH THIS ONE!!!!

    I'm just as amazed as the rest of you!

    See you on the 7th!

    Wow. That must've wasted a ton of your time.

    I don't believe this rumour to be honest, but it's fun to spectulate.

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Union Local 25
  • Teamsters Union Local 25

  • techfreak85
    Apr 23, 04:34 PM
    Would this mainly be for notebooks? I assume it would be too expensive to achieve a high enough PPI on a 22inch+ display, no?

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Local 117 - D.O.C.
  • Teamsters Local 117 - D.O.C.

  • Bobthemonkey
    Sep 11, 08:56 AM
    how about this for a scenario

    quiet release of C2D MB/MBP at the start of the expo - similar to the imac/mac mini

    then his steveness can deliver the full its showtime reel at the special event.

    announce movie store, with ipod updates, and full ipod video as 'one more thing'

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters local 419
  • Teamsters local 419

  • Sweetfeld28
    Nov 26, 07:32 PM
    Like i stated in one of the other threads, this would be a great buy for Teachers, Artist, Photographers, or anyone else on the go. But, i think it would also be better if it was like IBM's tablet PC; one where you have be a laptop one minute, then a tablet the next minute.

    Teamsters Local 25. Members of Teamsters Local 120
  • Members of Teamsters Local 120

  • RollTide1017
    Mar 29, 01:35 PM
    And if you stop subscribing?...What happens to your music files stored in the cloud?
    One would be an idiot to not have a local backup of stuff they store in the "cloud."

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Local 838
  • Teamsters Local 838

  • jeznav
    Apr 5, 01:37 PM
    iOS 4 adds wallpapers.
    iOS 5 with custom skins?

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Local 1149
  • Teamsters Local 1149

  • kenypowa
    Mar 29, 11:06 AM
    I don't blame any company who looks at what Apple has done to people who are trying to create services for the iOS platform and decides that they don't want to go there.

    They hold up Google Voice and other apps in endless app review purgatories, embarrassing the companies that spent valuable resources developing them. They look at companies that have created amazing magazine apps or streaming media apps, and now they say that they demand the opportunity to market subscriptions to those services and take a 30% cut.

    Amazon looks at the situation and knows that Apple will very likely either hold up their app or demand a 30% cut of their subscription fees, and either case is unacceptable. This is especially likely to happen since this new Amazon service seems to compete directly with the cloud services that Apple is gearing up to offer.

    Couldn't say it better myself.

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters Local 71
  • Teamsters Local 71

  • cere
    Apr 5, 01:05 PM
    "Toyota had agreed to do so to "maintain their good relationship with Apple," "

    Toyota has a relationship with Apple, good or bad? Why? I don't see the connection.

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters local 618
  • Teamsters local 618

  • war
    Nov 22, 09:40 AM
    I wish Apple would keep features at a minimum. My current phone has so many features that I don't use. I don't care if it can surf the internet nor do I care if it can take pictures. Could I just get a phone with a great address book that syncs really well with my mac? I just want an excellent way to keep control of my contacts, that's it. Any mobile phone companies out there listening? Stop putting features in that I don't care about.

    Teamsters Local 25. Teamsters local 182
  • Teamsters local 182

  • FFTT
    Aug 4, 08:21 AM
    As always, I'm quite conservative about any new releases.

    I'm sure those that MUST buy a new computer this year will soon find themselves with empty pockets or maxed out limits on their credit cards.

    I might consider a Merom based MacBook, but otherwise I'm waiting quite
    a while for a new desktop.

    Rev "B" quad core or octacore will be my next desktop upgrade.

    Rev "A" of any release has consistantly proven to be an unwise purchase unless you can afford a new machine every 2 years.

    Apr 14, 03:02 PM
    One thing I don't hear in the raising taxes discussion is what we should do with capital gains. That's the reason billionaires pay a paltry 15%. Almost all of their income comes from the selling of assets rather than a salary. Their money works for them, rather than the rest of us who have to work for our money. And for that, we reward them with a super low tax rate. :rolleyes:

    It's time to raise the capital gains rate and make it progressively tied to income taxes.

    Apr 6, 06:29 PM
    Also, it is interesting that Android 2.2 makes up the largest percentage of OS's out there in use.

    Can't Android users upgrade to the latest OS? 2.3.3 is the latest phone OS.

    Apr 23, 04:46 PM
    not the icons the wallpaper
    and its Macintosh HD/Library/Desktop pictures

    icons are located by clicking get info on an application, then clicking the icon in the window and command+c to copy. open up preview and click file, open from clipbord

    LOL was going about it the hardware in CoreServices/Finder.app (which has all the sidebar icons btw). Didn't think it would be the obvious in the Contents of the app. DOH!


    Wait, so the desktop wallpaper should be 3200x2000? I'm only seeing 2560x1600. Hmmmm.

    Checked out the icons, the largest I see in the App's are 512x512. Strange.

    UPDATE: Launchpad.icns shows 1024x1024. Checking app's specific to Lion, just odd some don't have the reported 1024.

    Apr 22, 12:02 PM
    My dad spends two full weeks, and hire personal assistants in order to file taxes as it is.

    That is probably either down to your dad trying very hard to avoid tax, and/or the US tax system in its current state being too complex.

    Both of those possibilities can be solved without getting rid of income tax.

    Apr 20, 08:03 AM
    Antennagate probably pushed back the product cycle by a few months, or iPhone 5 would have been fine with a June/July release.

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