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Monday, May 9, 2011

Variable Valve Timing

Variable Valve Timing. Variable Valve Timing
  • Variable Valve Timing

  • Piggie
    Apr 23, 07:07 PM
    All very nice and I'm fully supportive of more high resolution graphics as soon as possible. It's a shame they don't believe in supporting the millions of Blu-ray discs being sold though, and trying to convince people that 720p iTunes content is good enough for TVs that are bigger than any of the displays they've ever sold, whilst planning for smaller but higher resolution screens that they must apparently believe makes a difference.

    I know, the old 720p is good enough marketing speak does make you laugh really.

    I have wondered, when they finally decide they can supply 1080p downloads from iTunes and they come up with a new marketing line to support this change, perhaps in another year or 3. Will they offer free downloads of the 1080p versions to those customers who have bought 720p versions of the films?

    Surely they won't expect people to pay a second time, as often they are paying as much for the iTunes version as the bluray physical disk 1080p version.

    Variable Valve Timing. from Variable Valve Timing
  • from Variable Valve Timing

  • twoodcc
    Aug 11, 09:45 AM
    dang, right after i go and buy a Macbook......:eek:

    Variable Valve Timing. On a non variable valve timing
  • On a non variable valve timing

  • shurcooL
    Apr 24, 12:03 AM
    You could argue that when they pump all consumer Mac resolutions up to the limit of human perception, resolution independence becomes sort of moot.
    Almost, but not quite. Full resolution independence would allow you to change the scale/size of UI elements. Even if you can't see the pixels, some people may prefer smaller or larger "virtual" resolutions.

    Variable Valve Timing. Variable+valve+timing+
  • Variable+valve+timing+

  • P-Worm
    Apr 7, 10:02 AM
    I see the short sighted Apple pom-pom shakers are once again giddy with excitement. The juvenile remarks are embarrassing.

    For some strange reason you think monopolies are good for consumers.

    How is Apple a monopoly in this case? There is nothing stopping other companies from entering the LCD business and making more displays. Just because Apple has a lot of money to buy things does not make them a monopoly.


    Variable Valve Timing. variable valve timing
  • variable valve timing

  • iMacZealot
    Jul 31, 01:50 AM
    That is only because CDMA had such a jump on GSM in the USA, and the GSM carriers in the USA are still smaller. Verizon also has a massive analog network that T-Mobile won't touch as their phones are GSM only.

    Unfortunately, the free market approach adopted when installing networks in the USA has led to a number of problems, and while you might think Verizon service is good relative to the other US carriers, it cannot compare to the carriers in Europe who use a shared GSM network that was adopted after much deliberation. Like most of the world, we are GSM-only.

    That's why I'm switching from VZW to T-Mobile!

    Variable Valve Timing. variable valve timing
  • variable valve timing

  • Erasmus
    Aug 4, 10:05 PM
    I agree but think likely by Thanksgiving. I think mini will get the 1.6 GHz Core 2 Duo Combo and 1.87 GHz Core 2 Duo Superdrive upgrades thus ending the last Mac to have only one core as well as the end of all 32-bit Macs. :)

    OK, being an Australian, and blissfully ignorant to the ways of the American, when is Thanksgiving? Before or after Paris?

    I say new iPods at Paris, and maybe some software. It would be great if all Macs were Core 2 Generation before the Paris Expo.

    Variable Valve Timing. of variable valve timing
  • of variable valve timing

  • davegoody
    Dec 31, 02:20 PM
    I decided to give it a try and all it ever finds are little things that only can affect Windows :rolleyes:

    Would you be happier if Sophos or any other OSX AV solution found lots of Viruses on your system ? - It is not about clearing your system of OSX malware, at the time of writing this there is little to zero by way of Viruses etc out there for OSX. - As the platform gains more and more market share, this is likely to change. Better to be as prepared as possible. After all you don't go out on a Saturday night, meet a girl, take her home, put on a condom to stop you getting a Virus you already have, it is there as a prophylactic, to PREVENT you getting a Virus or other nasty ailment.

    As for the "Only" little things that it finds being Windows based Malware, if you use a machine on a professional basis, with both Windows and OSX machines, it makes sense to use AV to stop you inadvertently passing on nasty things to your Windows based Colleagues, where you don't even know you are doing it.

    Variable Valve Timing. Variable+valve+timing+
  • Variable+valve+timing+

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 23, 02:51 PM
    That's the nice thing about the equallogic, right? ;)

    Only issue I currently have with throughput is being limited by 4gigs when there are 30 some odd VMs running in our 3 host cluster. I would love to be fiber channel but between state budget cuts and PITA systems guy it ain't happening.

    On thunderbolt though, I truly believe it will be a non-starter. Sure, it's cool for those of us that know about it but people in general won't know and won't really care either way. Honestly, consumers should already be above 10Gbps because the physical hardware is already there, just a matter of market elasticity.

    You do realise you can switch your multi-path policy to something like Round-Robin or Least used link or something and use both your fabrics at the same time, giving you double bandwidth (in your 4 Gig port configuration, giving you 8 Gbps, or in a 8 Gbps FC configuration, 16) right ? Actually, you should have a look at what it is set to, some versions of ESX and ESXi are completely retarded and set the default policy to use Fabric 1 only (older versions prior to 4.x didn't have a supported configuration for using both paths at the same time, the support was experimental I believe).

    Or you can run FCoE or FCoIP and use dual 10 Gbps for FC on the cheap (I do realise HBAs can be pricey). Or heck, iSCSI over 10 Gbps links...

    Also, looking at my current I/O statistics for one of our biggest ESXi boxes (about 20 VMs), I see we average about... 10 mbps over the fiber. ;) Servers aren't constantly writing at full bandwidth anyhow and the convenience of centralized SAN management trumps Direct Attached Storage any day of the week in a data center environnement.

    Heck, I wish our DMZ servers could be attached to the SAN (stupid Security policies) so that I could actually grow the filesystems on which the file repository sits... seeing how Sun (now Oracle) wants to charge us over 10k$ for about 72 GBs of disks, just because the hardware is EOL'd and it lacks the 2nd controller so that we can use the drive bays that are free in it...

    Thunderbolt brings me back to those days. It's just not something I'd ever consider for data center use. It's not going to replace iSCSI or Fiber Channel. It's a complete non-contender in that space. Consumer space or workstations ? Yeah, sure, seems it could replace Firewire and USB disks, if the price and availability of actual peripherals is good. That last part remains to be seen.

    Variable Valve Timing. VVT Map (Variable Valve
  • VVT Map (Variable Valve

  • barkins
    Sep 15, 11:43 PM
    Hm, I just bought the macbook pro with the intel core duo (1) ... will it be able to run the new lepord or will the speed be hampered? :confused:

    Variable Valve Timing. Variable Valve Event and Lift
  • Variable Valve Event and Lift

  • Blakeco123
    Apr 23, 04:41 PM
    Where are the icons located?

    not the icons the wallpaper
    and its Macintosh HD/Library/Desktop pictures

    icons are located by clicking get info on an application, then clicking the icon in the window and command+c to copy. open up preview and click file, open from clipbord

    Variable Valve Timing. the variable valve timing
  • the variable valve timing

  • danpass
    May 7, 01:49 PM
    hmmm ............. iWork.com is free.

    maybe some combined functionality setup soon?

    Variable Valve Timing. (variable valve timing)
  • (variable valve timing)

  • mikemac11
    Mar 30, 08:47 PM
    Did apple ever say it will release golden masteR?

    It will release the gold master probably around WWDC. This is no where close to it. Actual developers will tell you there is a large list of bugs.

    Variable Valve Timing. Nissan Variable Valve Timing
  • Nissan Variable Valve Timing

  • LeighAnna Jones
    Mar 29, 04:13 PM
    Thousands of people are dying in Japan and all you idiots care about is iPod Touch batteries? That's kind of... selfish.

    Variable Valve Timing. It is the variable valve
  • It is the variable valve

  • radiohead14
    Mar 30, 03:11 PM
    just signed up. the whole process is actually really easy. i was up and running within seconds. i've been buying all my music from amazon for years now, and having the convenience of your digital music automatically sync'd up to your personal locker is great. it even scanned my 104GB music collection within 2 mins! pretty cool

    Variable Valve Timing. w/variable valve timing
  • w/variable valve timing

  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 6, 08:56 PM
    anyone think apple will do anything to commemorate the 5 year anniversary of the ipod in october?


    Variable Valve Timing. variable valve timing
  • variable valve timing

  • michaelrjohnson
    Aug 2, 11:47 AM
    The single most thing that I'm excited for is the Leopard Preview... Nevermind that it's the only thing *confirmed*. ;) After that, anything else is just icing on the cake!:D

    (Apparently, I'm easy to please!)

    Variable Valve Timing. Dual Variable Valve Timing
  • Dual Variable Valve Timing

  • Sijmen
    Aug 4, 09:00 AM
    I've been hoping for months, but barely speculated by others.....

    � 19" & 22" Merom-based iMacs (current iMacs already look "old" to me)

    Don't think so. Even a 23" iMac would seem more likely. See, the 17" iMac already has the 19" panel resolution, dito for 20" and 22". It would add little value.

    � backlit slim USB2 keyboard

    I'd say highly unlikely. As far as I remember Apple always has had one line of such accesories.

    � new category: home theater component-sized Conroe-based Mac (no Cube/MiniTower; Woodcrest goes into Mac Pros)

    Would be really cool, especially if it comes with Tivo functionality!

    iLife, iPhone & all other rumors seem like smokescreen.

    Agreed. iLife is a Januari product, and I don't think WWDC is a good time for the iPhone.

    Please, ACD's!

    Variable Valve Timing. variable valve timing
  • variable valve timing

  • LondonCentral
    Apr 20, 04:39 AM
    �499 for a white iPhone 5 and you can count me in, again. I've just sold my iPhone 4.

    Now to carry on avoiding all the Verizon/AT&T nonsense on here. :rolleyes:

    Variable Valve Timing. variable valve timing
  • variable valve timing

  • �algiris
    Mar 31, 09:02 AM
    P.S. Lietuvos Rytas is better :P

    Better at losing yes.

    Aug 7, 04:38 PM
    And there are still people looking for a "minitower" Mac...can't we put this rumor to rest???

    Headless/minitower Mac = PowerBook G5

    Apr 5, 04:34 PM
    Android is still open... They are just going to be much more tighter on what Products qualify to get the google Logo and the android name.

    I predict it's going to go much tighter than that. I keep seeing too many articles about security risks and issues with Android.... it's going to bite them hard and they will need to tighten the ship significantly or loose control.

    Open source is a great concept, but in a commercial world, someone needs to step in a set the rules and walls or it just becomes it's own monster and a total mess.

    Within the year, we'll see major changes in the Android camp.

    Mar 28, 10:13 AM
    That said, the iPhone as it stands is a nearly perfect device. .

    A 'perfect' devices with a bad antenna design? Sorry, but I wouldn't touch the iPhone 4 because of its antenna design flaws and won't get an iPhone until Apple corrects that. Hardly perfect. Perfect for YOU maybe..

    Apr 23, 05:07 PM
    Apple's problem is that they put "Looks" before performance.

    They crippled their chances of ever becoming a serious competitor to the PC for games due to deciding to use giant laptops on a stand which meant they could not cool any decent graphics cards, handing the gaming crown to the PC for years on a plate.

    As for the future who knows.

    And today they are the Gold Standard for consumer tech.

    OS X runs very well on Apple hardware. OS X apps run very well on Apple hardware. Not sure what the problem with performance is.

    Those "laptops on a stand" are selling in record numbers while the rest of the computer industry is in a sharp downturn.

    They've got the future of gaming all locked up nice and tight on iOS, not on PCs as we know them but on mobile devices which keep getting more powerful and which as we know, are the future of computing.

    Your anecdotal opinion is cool and all, but perspective please!

    Apple has been completely and unequivocally unaffected by conceding the gaming market to someone else. Instead, they've revisited it and have created a new standard. if that's what "losing" means then I'm damned impressed.

    Apr 7, 11:52 AM
    Ha ha! Im not sure the relevancy of the last part...but I have to disagree (respectfully) with the notion that Apple doesnt require constant pressure or that any good company only listens to internal voices (users included). First of all, without competition Apple could very well become stagnant in it's HW development; a sad example of this is with the legacy use of C2D (and no folks, they could have gone to discrete options and circumvented the nVidia v Intel alley fight). Apple's also behind the curve on the GPU market, and with their aged MBP display res. Now, havent we all complained about these issues to some degree?

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